
Scoliosis is a medical condition in which an atypical spinal curvature is present. With scoliosis, the spine has an ‘S-shaped curve’ rather than a natural ‘C-curvature.’ Scoliosis has the potential to generate various symptoms, depending on its severity. If you live in the greater Midland, TX, vicinity, Dr. Golightley of Golightley Chiropractic & Wellness Center offers noninvasive chiropractic treatment options to manage scoliosis symptoms.

Scoliosis has the potential to affect any person at any age, although it is most commonly found in girls during their adolescent years. The exact cause remains elusive to researchers. However, experience and research suggest that scoliosis is caused by both genetic factors as well as neuromuscular or underlying medical afflictions like CP (cerebral palsy) or muscular dystrophy.

However, the severity of the condition varies significantly, and many individuals successfully manage it using noninvasive chiropractic and related complementary treatment techniques.

The Symptoms of Scoliosis

The following are typical scoliosis symptoms -

  • The shoulder, waist, or rib cage are uneven.
  • The head is off-center or noticeably shifted to one side.
  • A shoulder blade may be more pronounced and noticeable.
  • Some individuals experience varying levels of back pain, although pain is not always symptomatic of scoliosis.
  • Muscle fatigue/weakness.

Severe scoliosis can potentially limit your mobility, which makes it difficult to complete simple tasks. Scoliosis may also result in –

  • Breathing Issues –caused by a compromised lung function.
  • Digestive Concerns – created by excess pressure on intestines and stomach.  

Scoliosis Treatments Offered by Chiropractors

Chiropractors possess the skills that combine techniques and services to enhance the spine’s alignment, reducing discomfort, stiffness, and pain. These chiropractic and complementary options may include -

  • Spinal Adjustments - gentle manual manipulations that are designed to realign the spine’s vertebrae and optimize the nervous system’s functioning.
  • Therapeutic Exercises/Ultrasound - enhances mobility, balance, coordination, and circulation.
  • Activator Method - An instrument for delivering precision adjustments.
  • Electrical Stimulation Therapies -reduce inflammation in tight or tired muscles

In addition, Dr. Golightley provides lifestyle guidance as this helps clients be proactive and take a personal approach and control of their health -  

  • Posture improvement.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Avoiding activities that are known to exacerbate scoliosis or its related symptoms. 

Contact a Leading Midland, TX, Chiropractor Near You Today

If you would like additional information regarding scoliosis treatment options offered by a Midland, TX, chiropractor near you, contact Dr. Golightley or a member of our Golightley Chiropractic & Wellness Center staff at 432-247-1363 or online.

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