Joint Pain Relief

Partner with Dr. Jason Golightley of Golightley Chiropractic & Wellness Center if you need joint pain relief in Midland, TX.

What Are the Common Causes of Joint Pain?

Joint pain is far from an unusual problem. Most adults experience joint pain at some point, but how it manifests can still vary significantly. Your joint pain may be relatively minor and disappear quickly, but it can also be chronic and intense. Understanding why you have joint pain can help you obtain effective treatment.

Degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis are among the leading causes of joint pain. Osteoarthritis is defined by the gradual deterioration of the cartilage inside joints that cushions the connecting bones. Unfortunately, osteoarthritis can be difficult to avoid because it's typically associated with aging.

You may also be experiencing joint discomfort due to bursitis. Bursitis usually develops due to overuse. To be more specific, you may experience chronic pain because the fluid-filled sacs that cushion and lubricate tendons near your joints, known as the bursae, are inflamed.    

Sprains and strains are also capable of causing chronic joint pain. Similar to osteoarthritis and bursitis, sprains and sprains may develop due to overusing tendons and ligaments, respectively. You may also sustain a sprain or strain due to an awkward landing or lifting a heavy object.

Persistent joint discomfort could also be related to a pinched nerve. Herniated spinal discs and bone spurs that form due to osteoarthritis can compress nerves and cause significant irritation. Dealing quickly with a pinched nerve is critical because the damage could have lingering effects if you wait too long.

Finally, joint pain may also be a byproduct of poor posture habits. You are more likely to experience joint pain if you habitually slouch or hunch your back.

Get in touch with Dr. Golightley of Golightley Chiropractic & Wellness Center so you can experience lasting joint pain relief in Midland, TX.

What Joint Pain Solutions Can Your Chiropractor Provide?

Count on your chiropractor to provide the most effective solution for your joint pain.

In many cases, chiropractic adjustments work as ideal solutions for joint discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments can prove beneficial because they can reposition the misaligned components of your musculoskeletal system. Imbalances and misalignments between bones may be the root causes of issues such as osteoarthritis, bursitis, herniated discs, and pinched nerves.

Electrical stimulation and ultrasound therapy may also be included in your treatment regimen. Both these treatments help the body repair soft tissue injuries like sprains and strains.

Your chiropractor can also offer you relief from joint pain and stiffness by teaching you proper posture habits. Follow their advice to keep your joints healthy.

Experience long-lasting joint relief in Midland, TX, by calling 432-247-1363 and scheduling treatment sessions with Dr. Golightley of Golightley Chiropractic & Wellness Center.

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